The Confectionery, University Village, Seattle WA
“I really believe that coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
I’m thrilled by chance connections and events. The more unique the coincidence, the more I smile in wonder at God. As I reminisce over the many twists and turns of this story, I feel joyful all over again.
A few years ago, while on errands with my sister in Idaho, I noticed a sweet older couple as we walked behind them into a department store. He wore a flannel shirt, cowboy hat, and loose denim jeans. She was a bit more refined, dressed for errands in a purple blouse and polyester pants. Her curly hair looked neatly coifed as if a beautician styled it that morning. As they walked in, his gait was bowed and clunky while she was more sure-footed and intentional. He held her hand, and with the other, he carried her purse. I imagined this was their routine, the man serving his wife and the woman enjoying his company. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick photo.
As an aspiring painter, I often took pictures and practiced recreating them later in watercolor. At home, I studied this delightful couple’s photo, sketched their images on paper, and filled in their forms with paint. The background of the store’s concrete structure didn’t match the couple’s charm. Instead, I imagined a nostalgic setting and quickly found what I envisioned by doing a Google search. It was a Confectionery Shoppe, complete with old-fashioned lamps, a red checked exterior, and tasty treats tempting viewers inside. With a few minor tweaks, I went to work recreating them in that scene.
Months later, I met a girlfriend for lunch at University Village in Seattle. This outdoor mall was new to us and seemed like a good location to meet halfway. We meandered in and out of the shops and then paused to chat on a sunny bench outside. My breath caught in my chest as I took in the scene across the road. It was the Confectionery!
I sat studying it, certain it was the one I had painted. Elated, I excitedly told my friend the story. “Can you believe it? It could have been anywhere in the world, but it’s here! What are the chances?!”
Of course, I couldn’t wait to tell my sister and show her the painting on our next visit. She looked at it thoughtfully and said, “I recognize them! They were customers at the shop where I used to work.”
“What? Can you find out who they are and give them my painting?” Several months later, her former co-worker saw the man again and offered it as a gift. Being a sentimental fellow, he took the painting gladly.
God knows the things that delight us. I imagine Him musing with anticipation at every turn of this story. Perhaps He thought, “She’ll be tickled by this…and this…!” And I was!
Have you experienced coincidences that you knew were God-incidences? I’ve heard some people call them “God winks.” Whatever they are, they remind me that God sees me, knows me, and delights in me.
I hope your God-incidences spark joy and wonder in you too – in the God who sees and enjoys you.
“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you.”
Although a few years have passed since this story concluded, my sister occasionally notices this darling couple walking about in town. He still holds her hand and carries her purse.